


劳动力继续教育课程的注册是快速和容易的! 选择下面的方法.


  • 通过电话: 919-739-6932
  • 在人:核桃大厦东入口

公司 & 组织注册和付款流程(赞助商计费)

All companies and organizations are required to utilize the Sponsor Billing process to ease the payment process for your employees/students for 继续教育 classes at 澳门金沙棋牌游戏. 这个过程很简单. You will not need to send a company/organization check/credit card with your employee at the time of registration. All you have to submit is a signed company/organization letter or memorandum on letterhead with the following key items:

  1. 公司/Organization point of contact information (in the event there are any questions regarding a student or payment)
  2. State the intent of who and what class(es) your company/organization will be responsible for in the registration process (i.e. 学费,

一旦我们收到信件/备忘录和学生注册, 我们的商务办公室将向贵公司/机构提交发票. 信函/备忘录必须在开课当天或之前收到. 随附本备忘录,您将发现赞助商账单通知的示例. 此外,您也可以在网上查阅我们最新的注册表格. 如果您对流程有任何疑问或疑虑,请联系:

919-739-6934 or mrigdon@yxlm123.com



  • 1至24小时- 70美元.00
  • 25到50小时——125美元.00
  • 51小时以上- 180美元.00




如果您对WCE注册过程有任何疑问,请 澳门金沙棋牌游戏 寻求帮助.


We are committed to improving the quality of life for individuals and the community by offering learning opportunities to promote workforce, 经济发展和个人发展.  The concept of life-long learning is our commitment to our students, community, and industry needs.   Both our on-line courses and interactive instructor-led classes offer flexible scheduling and are structured to accommodate your busy lifestyle.  尽管劳动力和经济发展是我们服务的核心, you will also find classes that serve our community through personal interest and cultural enrichment programs. 从定制木工和彩色玻璃课程到排舞, 我们提供可以改善你生活的项目.

We appreciate and understand the needs of the citizens of Wayne and surrounding counties and strive to offer quality instruction that can prepare them for today’s changing workplace.  继续教育 courses are offered at various locations throughout the city of Goldsboro and Wayne County and we welcome requests for courses and suggestions for providing improved services to the area.  If you have a particular training need or would like to learn more about how 继续教育 can assist you or your company, 请给我们打电话或到我们学校来.

继续教育 students may register early for classes in the 继续教育 Office (Walnut Building, 教室127)或上课第一天(如课程表所示). 一些课程的注册人数有限,很快就会以先到先得的方式填满.


WCC maintains an open-door admission policy to all applicants who are high school graduates or who are at least 18 years of age. 学生的录取处理和分班决定将由官方执行

每个学院的. Admission requirements for an emancipated minor shall be the same as for an applicant 18 years old or older. 有关未成年人入境的规定载于1D SBCCC 200.95,根据北卡罗莱纳州社区学院法.

WCC’s Board of Trustees may adopt policies regulating admission and graduation of students enrolled in courses mandated under G.S. 17C,北卡罗莱纳州刑事司法教育和培训标准委员会,或G.S. 17E,北卡罗莱纳州治安官教育和培训标准委员会. These policies may limit enrollment to law enforcement officers or persons sponsored by law enforcement agencies and may require a student to maintain sponsorship by a law enforcement agency until completion of the program. Policies adopted pursuant to this paragraph shall be published and made available to students and prospective students.

一个小, 16岁或以上, may be considered a student with special needs and may be admitted to an appropriate program at a college if the local 公共 or private educational agency determines that admission to the program is the best educational option for the students and the admission of such student to the program is approved by the college.

一个高中生, 16岁或以上, 根据当地批准的政策, 公共, 或私立教育委员会和董事会, 是否可以入读适当的课程, 成人高中除外, 同时在下列条件下:

a.  Upon recommendation of the chief administrative school officer and approval of the president of the college;

b.  Upon approval of the student’s program by the principal of the school and the president of the college;

c.  Upon certification by the principal that the student is taking at least three high school courses and is making appropriate progress toward graduation.

High school students taking courses pursuant to the above paragraphs shall not displace adults but may be admitted any semester on a space-available basis to any continuing education course. 一旦被录取,他们将受到与其他学生相同的待遇. 参考1D SBCCC 200.N .社区学院法律.C.


Registration 费用 from $70 to $180 are charged to students in occupational extension classes depending upon the total class hours.  休闲和娱乐班的注册费为35美元至50美元.  The amount of tuition for recreational classes is determined by the pro-rated cost per student it takes to conduct the course in accordance with legislation.


注意:费用可能会根据州预算而变化.  学生应自行购买课程所需的用品、材料、工具和书籍.


继续教育课程的退款政策,由香港教育学会制定.C. 州议会, 允许75%的退款, 在课程安排时间的10%之前或之后. A 100 percent refund shall be made if the student officially withdraws prior to the first day of class of the academic semester or term. 也, a student is eligible for a 100 percent refund if the class in which the student is officially registered is cancelled due to insufficient enrollment. 根据这项政策, the college shall notify the student of the right to receive a refund at the time of official withdrawal.  注意:课程退款可能需要大约4到6周的时间才能处理/收到. 自费课程不退款.  根据这项政策, the college shall notify the student of the right to receive a refund at the time of official withdrawal.


根据北卡罗莱纳州社区学院委员会法规,标题1E SBCCC 200.98 (a)(3), 5美元的不可退还计算机技术费.00* dollars will be charged each semester to all individuals who take computer courses through the 继续教育 Division. 这项技术费用在一个学期中只收取一次, 不管一个人可以注册和参加多少计算机课程.  设立技术费是为了支持购买, 操作, 并修理电脑和其他教学技术, 包括支持计算机技术的供应和材料. This fee also supports 继续教育 computer classes held off campus at various locations.  如果您对计算机技术费有任何疑问, 请致电919-739-6900与持续教育服务部联系. *费用如有变动.


学生可以选择支付0美元.55 学生意外保险 Fee for all 继续教育 courses that meet four or more weeks during a semester. 这个费用在一个学期中支付一次,不管上了多少课.


白班和夜校学生都需要出示停车贴.  学生停车费是2美元.00.  Parking decals must be purchased in the 继续教育 Services Office at the time of registration.  所有继续教育学生必须持有身份证. 身份证是3美元.须于报名时到持续教育服务处购买. (请参阅以下额外收费标准).


如果你对这个要求有任何疑问, 费用, 服务或政策, 请致电919-739-6900与持续教育服务部联系.


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